With the Club hosting an EGM on Thursday evening, the Trust have balloted members over the two special resolutions that are proposed. https://www.daletrust.co.uk/2022/06/club-egm-trust-ballot-results/ Trust members were balloted on the two special resolutions that are being put forward at the Club's EGM on Thursday 30th June. Those two resolutions were: Special Resolution 1 THAT the Articles of Association of the Company be amended as follows: a. By inserting the following Articles 20A and 20B after the present Article 20, namely: 20 (A) Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 20, the directors may refuse to register the transfer of any share(s) in the event that: (i) the Football League Limited (company number 00080612) has not provided the transferee with all necessary confirmations and approvals as required by the Owners’ and Directors’ Test contained at Appendix 3 of the EFL Regulations (as updated from time to time) or any equivalent provision of the EFL Regulations as updated from time to time; or (ii) registering the transfer of any share(s) would cause the Company to breach any Regulation, Football Association Rule, Premier League Rule or any other equivalent provision of any regulatory authority to which the Club is subject. 20 (B) Except as required by law, no person is to be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any trust, and except as otherwise required by law or the articles, the Company is not in any way to be bound by or recognise any interest in a share other than the holder’s absolutely ownership of it and all the rights attaching to it. Ballot Results In favour - 100% Against - 0% Special Resolution 2 THAT, the directors of the Company are hereby authorised to grant a commercial lease to Iduna Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure PLC for the purpose of installation and operation of electric vehicle chargers within the Property carpark for a term of up to 12 years. Ballot Results In favour - 98.75% Against - 1.25% As a result, the Trust will be voting in favour of both proposals at Thursday's EGM. Many thanks to all who took the time to vote in the ballot. |  |