| News Comment | Swansea City : Joe Low latest & Harry Darling : Behind the news at 17:39:33
Low and Darling are in the same place with o ly a few months less. Darling is more valuable with more guaranteed performer having been access at a high er level. Swansea need to press for Loe and sell Darling. Ideally sell Dad arling loan in a player fro six month and pick up low for free. Or else sell Harry for £1.2m and buy Low for £800k. |
 | News Comment | West Bromwich Albion sources state Lukey’s agent was all over the club this week at 01:01:17
Luke clearly did not have the word skills and intellect to avoid difficulties. Joking in this situation is bizarre . There is nothing unusual or absurd about other club's interests, If WBA decline to meet the buy out clause then it is a matter for the club. Only if WBA did meet the pay out clause it is a matter for Williams. Swnsea have form with WBA who wanted Patterson on a free and pulled away when SCFC extended his deal unilaterally as per contract. Effectively if he said the matter is nothing to do with him as it would be a club decision to release him he would be correct while the buy out clause was not triggered which evidently never was. Southampton did not agree the buy out clause for Russ so why would WBA? |
 | News Comment | Swans ‘Ready to Strike’, some context on those transfers in January at 21:16:37
Fisher, Ginnelly ad Sam Parker and closing in on returns. Josh Thomas will probably return as he is not getting game time. Abdullai Azeem desperately needs a long consistent run of starts. Somewhere like Newport perhaps?. He is only getting cameos out of position. Kyrel Wilson and Lloyd could also go on loan. |
 | News Comment | Eom fit & Darling all good for Portsmouth. Harry & Ben would have signed earlier at 19:39:48
It needs to be noted that K,& L have sold the club for pennies and taken a financial hit for themselves to the benefit of the club. They still hope to recover perhaps half their investment if things go well. They will get criticism but in my opinion they were let down by silly mistakes by people who should have been more diligent. |
 | News Comment | Swansea City & Jason Levien : The crucial omissions at 12:24:50
The Trust are not good for Swansea city. Their " cunning plan" was to cripple the club and give big money to their funders from over the dyke. All voted for by the dozy members. Bonkers. |
 | News Comment | Oxford Utd profile, Swans in January link & Franco latest at 14:38:04
Atkinson made some very unwise remarks a long time ago and apologised profusely, I am prepared to accept his apology. We all live and learn. Swansea city fans sing ethnic slurs about Welsh people and never apologise or repent. Some do get upset when "people of colour" get similar moronic stick to their credit but do not make the link for heritage reasons. |
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