| Forum Reply | Ouch at 13:33 21 May 2020
John 11:35 |
 | Forum Reply | Booing teachers at 14:58 20 May 2020
You make a lot of poor assumptions and talk a lot of shoite as a result. Teachers can book days off on top of all the planned holiday? They’ve got half term next week FFS! No wonder the education system is fooked. I don’t read the Mail. Shouldn’t they be running online lessons or something? You said their evenings were taken up with other jobs. The Eton issue has been answered by others but you seem to have your fingers in your ears over that one. I’ve never mentioned booing. Opening schools is part of the plan to get back to normal. I agree with that and all involved should do what they can to make it happen, not just refuse to get involved. If that makes me a ‘pretty unpleasant human being’ then I suggest you are too for expecting people to come out and empty your bins or deliver your mail. |
 | Forum Reply | Booing teachers at 14:41 20 May 2020
A break long enough to squeeze in a round of golf? Don’t be daft. And there was no marking going on- they weren’t even keeping up with how many shots they were taking going from rough to rough to out of bounds to bunker. They were playing golf during the school day and we’re quite smug about that and the fact that schools are not open. |
 | Forum Reply | Booing teachers at 14:33 20 May 2020
You’re right, I’m shoite at golf. |
 | Forum Reply | Booing teachers at 14:18 20 May 2020
Because it’s an example of teachers that are quite clearly not fulfilling the job they are paid to do. The probability of me coming across the only two of that ilk in the country are fairly slim. It’s a relevant observation or do you only accept input into the debate if it agrees with your assertion that all teachers are hardworking heroes? |
 | Forum Reply | Booing teachers at 14:11 20 May 2020
There was nothing professional about the way they were playing golf. |
 | Forum Reply | Booing teachers at 13:35 20 May 2020
Only if you’re thick. My story is a first hand account that SOME teachers are doing no work at all during school hours. |
 | Forum Reply | Booing teachers at 13:10 20 May 2020
True story that happened just now: Out for a walk with my daughter and sat on the grass near the edge of the 6th green of the local golf course. Two golfers approach the green and one looks over and says ‘Is she starting reception in September?’. I replied ‘I was hoping she’d go back on the first of June’. The other piped up ‘You’re talking to two teachers so that won’t be happening’. Must be running online lessons off their phones in between shots. |
 | Forum Reply | Bullingdon Boris at 21:05 13 May 2020
Diane Abbott would still be wandering around Scotland looking for Loch Down. |
 | Forum Reply | “Stay Alert” at 21:03 13 May 2020
Not you, the teachers. But the unions are telling them not to. |
 | Forum Reply | “Stay Alert” at 19:12 13 May 2020
Get in there and work one out for that particular school then. |
 | Forum Reply | “Stay Alert” at 18:55 13 May 2020
A ‘high rise’ plan you could say, no? There is plenty of support. My best mate is a deputy head at a Hampshire school and his wife is a year head and they are both behind it and getting on with it. The lack of support seems to be from those determined to cause problems. |
 | Forum Reply | Post-Covid UK at 16:06 13 May 2020
CPS managers are famously useless. |
 | Forum Reply | “Stay Alert” at 16:03 13 May 2020
How long would that take? Go round every school and assess their individual situation for them? No, here's what we want to achieve, go away and try and make it work. Very fookin simple. Unions telling their members to not get involved is hugely counterproductive. |
 | Forum Reply | “Stay Alert” at 16:00 13 May 2020
No, the unions were being slammed for telling teachers to not engage in the planning process. |
 | Forum Reply | “Stay Alert” at 15:41 13 May 2020
There will be many permutations amongst the millions of people in the country. That is why there are guidelines and it is up to the rest of us to apply a bit of mission command and make it work. If someone decides to keep their Year 1 kid home because they've got a Year 5 kid as well that's fine, they won't be penalised. It's complicated, not chaotic. If people just got on with it instead of thinking up different scenarios as a reason to not do anything then imagine what we could achieve as a nation. |
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