| Forum Reply | Big Jim's contract extension? at 17:21 26 Jul 2024
Dawlishdale is completely correct, i like many others have not renewed my season ticket for new season, last season was the worst i haved seen since barrowball, entetainment zero, excitement nil, we dont seem to use the flanks to get around a packed defence , dont get enough crosses into the box, noboddy seems to attack the ball in importent areas.Jim is no doubt a nice chap who works hard, its not one mans fault, what does his assistant contribute and his coaches add to the team.No season ticket , first time in over 30 years, i sincerely hope i am wrong aznd he makes a success of next season but he has to be brave with his substitutions as it a 14 man game now.Will he change his style i doubt it as he seems to want to walk the ball into the goal.Very best of luck jim, give us something to cheer. |
 | Forum Reply | Another two gone at 17:12 6 Mar 2024
I have been on to the chairmen of Accrington and told him , if he wants tippy tappy , walking football at its finest he can have Jim Mcnulty for free.The only problem is you will not win many games. |
 | Forum Reply | Style of play - Players interaction at 17:38 12 Feb 2024
Sorry to disagree with many fans , this tippy tappy football will bring only more problems in the long run.JM is completely fixated with these tactics, no plan B , in many cases no plan A, sorry to say, if he cant change tac tis then the club must change the manager.All this clubs problems started with BBM,you can play this type of football if the players have skill and pace, at the moment we have neither.It gives no pleasesure to say this manager is tactilly inept and team selection is dreadfull, the only thing the club will get from JM are more terrible performances seen in the last 3 weeks.Time for a change in all areas of the club. |
 | Forum Reply | Tracey Crouch MP - Initial thoughts on Football Governance and Finance at 17:32 3 Dec 2021
Do we really need another bunch of Stuffed suits telling us how to run the game.Most of the people appointed will no doubt be even more failed managers.More fan involvement, less bullshit from pepole only interested in there expence form.Less Red tap, not more people in Blazers. |
 | Forum Reply | Stockdale's comments at 16:56 6 Sep 2021
What a relief to finnally find a manager who is not afraid to critisise the team,the previous managers have sounded like they have not watched the same game you have.Its early days but i think if he carrys on being honest with the fans he will not go far wrong.Honesty is always the best policy in football and life. |
 | Forum Reply | 65 years a Rochdale fan at 17:18 16 Aug 2021
I have been a fan for over 30 years, i have no mobile phone with internet action, no printer, lucky for me i have a season ticket, the club has clearly stated that tickets cannot be sold on the day, how bloody stupid.Does the club realise , people decide on short notice to see the game, could the trust get involved quickly as the club will loose a lot of money in very short period id it is not sorted.Also could the Trust board rep remind the club , the fans are not all coputer literate. |
 | Forum Reply | Let's get some redemption tomorrow! at 17:18 9 Aug 2021
Lets hope the team start better than on saturday, Mcnulty was awfull but was not helped by a absent midfield for 20 mins.Very disapointed how we started the game ,did not seem to be organised at all in defence or midfield.After doing the hardwork in getting back in the game , it was there for the winning but dale ranout of ideas and seemed to be out on our feet after 70 mins.Managers may go, players may go but Dale have a major problem in seeing out games, perhaps somebody could keep a record of how many points we give way in the last few minutes.Hoping for the best and a better start. |
 | Forum Reply | Have I missed something? at 12:10 2 May 2021
It is time for a complete clear out, on and off the pitch.Its been as clear as mud that we would be relegated.Very concerned we might not have a club at all before very long,off the ptch the club is a shambles much like the teams and management performance for most of the season,but i am convinced if fans would have been present the present manager would be driving a taxi, hoping for the very best. |
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