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Swansea City new signing, and yes there are more to come
at 11:29 22 Jun 2024

Well, personally, I think outlaying all that cash is definitely a bit O.T.T.

Edit: Sorry, I hadn't read the other posts about him, to see this joke has been used a couple of times before.
[Post edited 22 Jun 11:33]
Glan Letheren RIP
at 18:39 6 Jun 2024

Wow, I've only just read this about Glan...

Apart from seeing him as a more than competent goalkeeper when he was in goal for the Swans, I really got to know him when he came to work with me.

I was the manager of Cwmdu's Indoor Cricket Centre, Blazeball in '88 to '89. (Which in later years became the unit the Swans set up shop in) Glan came to work there for me and, due to our Swans connections, we got on really well straight away.

Glan was genuinely a smashing guy. Because of of his pleasant, helpful personality, he was very popular amongst the (adult) indoor cricket players. Many of whom didn't really know him as a 'Footballer' as he was quiet and discreet about his time with the Swans.

Unfortunately due to another Indoor Cricket centre opening in Llansamlet, it created too much competition for a unique, but minor 'sporting attraction.' Meaning both of the centres closed after a year. Sadly, that also meant we went our separate ways, and I never met Glan after Blazeball shut it's doors.

He was a splendid man, he was enthusiastic, with a great sense of humour and a good confidante too. I was only telling my son Sam about him in May 2022, at the end of that season's Play-Offs when his son Kyle was in goal for Morecambe. Seeing his son made me remember Glan and our time working together at Blazeball.

Farewell Glan, it was an absolute pleasure to get to know you mate.
Scott Hogan in public dialogue with Paul Watson
at 09:45 23 Jan 2024

howenjack's comment..."Scott Hogan - Crocodile Cwmdu."

Bloody brilliant comment fair play.

Hats off...really surprised no-one else has picked up on this!?

Leighton James
at 12:13 21 Nov 2023

I remember Leighton was signed by the Swans after the transfer deadline. But was given special dispensation from the League, to play for us away at Charlton on the last game of that season, (May 1980) as the result wouldn't affect promotion or relegation issues for other teams at the end of that season. I was there that day when we beat Charlton 1-2.

How many of us, that were Swans fans back in 1980 for 3 to 4 seasons, can forget the massive contribution Leighton made to our promotion to the First Division (as was) back in May 1981 and, into that glorious, never to be forgotten, first season in the First Division.

Leighton's stupendous 'top corner' goal, down at 'our end' in Deepdale on May 2nd 1981, was for me, because of the significance of the occasion, the greatest, most crucial goal of his time with the Swans. Maybe...even his career?

Mind you, him smashing a (direct) free-kick passed Bruce Grobbelaar from almost the half way line, against Liverpool at the Vetch, comes mighty close!

Yeah, Leighton had his opinions no doubt, but what a character. He was part of the crew at my 'stag-night' at Merlins, Neath, back in July 2001...typically, he was one of the last to leave! Mind you the two strippers might have been a factor in that.

Get well soon Leighton boy. You're a genuine 'Swansea Jack' and a never to be forgotten 'Swans hero' of fans from my era.
[Post edited 21 Nov 2023 13:33]
Jake Bidwell coming home?
at 14:20 1 Sep 2023

Didn't Coventry fancy 'Pato' this time last year?

Jake for Pato?

The savings we'd make on Pato's wages, would mean we wouldn't be paying another full wage for Jake?
[Post edited 1 Sep 2023 14:22]
Matt Grimes new deal ?
at 15:10 18 Aug 2023

It's official!
How excited are you?
at 15:19 4 Aug 2023

I've supported the Swans since 1962, aged only 5. And it's fair to say I've nearly always been optimistic at the start of each season. That 'start of the season' enthusiasm has waned in recent seasons I'll be honest, but this time, I'm beginning to have a revival with old positivity again!

And it's a good feeling! Just like missing...and then seeing, an old friend again after years apart.

I'm conscious the new management may take a little time to get their ideas to take shape in the early months. So (September 16th apart) it could be a quite slow start?

But I'm confident from November onwards, we will pick up momentum and we'll end up being there or 'there abouts' a Play-Off spot come next May.

Excitement level? 7.78, but expected to rise..
Fergie, the Swans and West Brom.
at 10:20 8 May 2023

While I don't expect there to be a lengthy discussion created around this posting, I just thought, just like me (because of the coincidence), some may find it of interest.

8th May 2013, 10 years ago today, Manchester United announced Sir Alex Ferguson's retirement from football. Quite a seismic sporting event at the time.

Who were United's last two matches against? Yeah, Swansea City and West Bromwich Albion.

The Swans went down 1-0 at Old Trafford, to a Rio Ferdinand goal in the 87th minute.

And WBA drew with United in Fergie's last ever match at the Hawthorns, 5-5.

10 years on to the day, the Swans and WBA battle it out on the last match of the season.
Interesting Swans stats
at 14:02 20 Apr 2023

For me though, they create a frustrating overview of our season to date.

Where, as has been regularly posted, if only we'd won more than four matches in those 22 between the two cardiff matches...(virtually half a season) we could've been facing an exciting Play-Off battle come May.

That would have raised our profile yet again. Which in turn could've persuaded, some aspiring talent, torn between clubs, to sign for us during the Summer.

Fourth highest scorers in the league, yet only four teams have conceded more and (as perhaps you'd expect) all four are heavily involved in a relegation battle. If our defensive issues had been sorted out (by our 'ex defender' manager) we would surely have been firmly placed in the top six, for most of the season.

I feel it's been a massively wasted opportunity.
This is football
at 09:24 12 Jan 2023

I remember it well LR.

It was only 3 years after I started supporting the Swans, always on the railways sleepers, at the 'Town end' of the Vetch.

The Workington Town sequence of results you mention was shocking at the time. First match at home, second away that season.

Then the third 'tonking,' away in September the following season.

Date Match Result Score Competition
14 Sep 1965 Swansea Town v Workington L 1‑6 League Division Three
04 Oct 1965 Workington v Swansea Town L 7‑0 League Division Three
16 Sep 1966 Workington v Swansea Town L 6‑3 League Division Three

Strangely, the home fixture that season (Jan 1967) saw us win 5-2, Followed by another 5-2 home win in October the next season.

No shortage of goals in those five consecutive matches v Workington eh?

Swans 14 v Workington 23.
CCFC transfer shocker: Taken from Anus' website.
at 14:52 6 Jan 2023

This was taken directly from today's post from 'Forever Blue' (Anus himself).

"Mark Hudson finally clarified in his press conference today, that the club is under a FIFA transfer embargo not an EFL transfer embargo. That means we can't even sign free agents, or bring in loans if space in our squad opens up?"

That really does mean problems for our 'cousins' up the road. Oh dear, what a pity, never mind!

Russell Martin's News Conference earlier...
at 13:33 6 Jan 2023

Potentially, this is excellent news for us. For the club, team and us supporters.

With it being clearly suggested that gaps will be appearing in the squad due to a number of players leaving this month for various reasons, it means he could make a place in the team his own.

Personally, I'm encouraged, excited even, about Whittaker's return. Lot's of us would be make positive postings about this 'signing,' if he wasn't already 'a Swan.' We'd be purchasing an in form, free transfer player, that's a decent goal scorer, sets up quite a few 'assists,' from an almost certain promotion bound team from League 1.

What's not to like?

There's been hints that RM doesn't fancy him because he's not a 'worker.' But (this season) you could equally level that criticism at Piroe. Who knows though, they could be a strike partnership 'made in heaven?'

Welcome home Morgan boy, best of luck for your career at the 'dot com.'
2 'Swansea Heroes,' that requires us to remember.
at 12:57 20 Dec 2022

37 years ago today...10.45hrs, 20th December 1985, it was announced on Swansea Sound that Swansea City Football Club had gone bust.

I was just telling my 27 year old (Swans fan) son, that when Swansea Sound made the announcement I just wept. It seemed to be the end of the world, my world anyway.

The build up to the High Court ruling, being so close to Christmas, meant no decorations were put up, Christmas 1985 was cancelled in our house. I was in a state of shock, I couldn't take it in, that I wouldn't get to see and shout for the Swans ever again! It was truly devastating!

I wandered about in a daze for the next few days. Until my (Swans fan) father hammered on my door waving the Evening Post, with the picture of Swansea City Directors (Sir) Mel Nurse and Peter Howard outside the High Court, having obtained a 'stay of execution' for the club!

This was on Christmas Eve 1985...and it's still and, always will be, the greatest Christmas present I will ever receive! Thank you Mel and Peter! Without your intervention, all the ups and yes, several downs, would never have been experienced. Without those boys, May 2003 and our 7 Premier League years would never have happened! What we've all shared over those 37 years would never have happened.

It was like an alternative, but very much better, 'Christmas Carol' type scenario. From darkness into light!

After the Walsall postponement, Football League rules were, that if a club postponed two consecutive matches due to financial circumstances they would be expelled from the league! We simply had to play the next match! Where was that due to be played? Yeah, 'Piggery Park' on Boxing Day 1985!

Seeing the boys run out that day from the open Canton(?) End generated another emotional outburst from me. But there were many supporting the Swans that day experiencing similar reactions. We lost the match 1-0, but honestly, the scoreline was irrelevant, all that mattered, was the Swans were back alive again!

Then the successful '1986 Campaign' was born and being on that Committee, I met Lorraine Corbett. Lorraine of course is still a massive Swans fan, and we remain close friends, being in the court room when the Swans were officially alive again together, in the July 1986 High Court ruling.

So yeah, every year on 20th December, I say a massive thanks (as should you all) to Mel and Peter for their wonderful Christmas present to us Swans fans and the city of Swansea as a whole.
9/11 - 20 years on
at 14:57 12 Sep 2021

I was living in Florida at the time, only arrived mid July, some 7 weeks before.

I was working with my brother on this new apartment complex in between Kissimmee and Orlando. We'd been on site for an hour or so, and there were numerous workmen around as usual, with their music playing from truck radios.

Very quickly around 09.00hrs you could see lots of workmen on their mobiles and hearing the music stations being switched over to news channels instead. My brother, working on a different part of the site, came over saying his wife had phoned, to say a plane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers. News spread like wildfire on the site!

The normal noisy, bustling, scene on those construction sites, turned into a shocked silence, as those workmen listened in disbelief to what was being reported on their truck radios.

When my sister-in-law rang the confirm the second plane slamming into the South Tower, it was obvious, this was an attack, not some accident! Although I was confident after the first plane hit, that it was an attack, as terrorists had tried to bring down the Towers some years earlier (1993?).

Workmen then started to leave the site to return home. My brother and I travelled over to a sports bar by about 10am (just off the 192/OBT - Orange Blossom Trial) we frequented called 'Third Base,' and being a sports bar, it had numerous televisions on the walls, all tuned into different TV stations. All had cancelled their scheduled programming and were showing the incredibly shocking events live from New York.

My brother and I being British, were sort of used terrorist bombings/atrocities, I'd been a soldier in the QDG's (Welsh regiment) in Northern Ireland in the mid Seventies and experienced 'The Troubles.' But this was on a different scale entirely!

'America' or certainly the part of America I was living in, just completely shut down for the day. The stunned regulars at the bar slowly made their way in, from late morning to continue to watch the events unfold.

As the drink flowed, the local Americans' anger grew, into a retaliatory mood. Which, if you believe the conspiracy theorists point of view, was the intention all along. For ordinary Americans living working with me, those conspiracy theories gained credence, when the American Government brought out the Homeland Security Bill within days. When ordinarily that would have taken several months to have been put together.

Like virtually all of us that witnessed events that day, whether in Blighty or, 'across the pond' where I was, that was a never to be forgotten day.

And with the Taliban 'taking over' back in Afghanistan again, this will not be the end of matters.
Paul Jones aka Lord Bony RIP 😢
at 14:55 23 May 2020

Very sad news indeed.

Paul I don't think I ever met you. But through your many posts on here, over a lengthy period of time, you expressed many views I could only agree with.

You sounded like someone I'd have enjoyed knowing.

Good Westerns
at 10:31 8 May 2020

My missus and I enjoyed 'Open Range' the other week. (Kevin Costner Robert Duvall)

Well worth a 'lockdown' watch I reckon.
Jay Harris
at 10:06 2 Mar 2020

I'd like to thank PuelosSideys for making us all aware of Jay Harris' fight in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Did I stay up to watch it, but thanks again to whoever posted about it being on Sky Sports, I recorded it and watched it twice yesterday.

What can I say? I was just so impressed by the young man's stirring performance. I'll be honest, apart from clapping him when he waved to the Swans fans on the pitch fairly recently, and even being a bit of a boxing fan, I hadn't heard of him before.

Well his outstanding efforts in Texas, have certainly changed that for many of us.

Many more people throughout the country fortunate enough to witness his fantastic fighting spirit will have heard of him now and admired his tremendous display of guts and glory.

I was proud for him and his family in his corner. Proud to be a Welshman because of the dogged determination he displayed against the Champion and betting favourite. And proud too as a Swans fan, to see our club crest emblazoned on Jay's shorts.

I can't remember any local, or Welsh boxer wanting to wear the Swans badge on their shorts during a World Title fight before. Hats off to you Jay...YJB!

Thank you Jay, for displaying to the country via Sky Sports such talent, style and fighting spirit. Thank you for promoting the sporting talents of Wales so superbly. Thank you too, for wanting to associate yourself with the Swans by wearing our club's 'colours' on your shorts.

Hopefully now, Eddie Hearn will sign you up, so you can compete on a level playing field with these 'higher ranked' title holders. And yes, wouldn't it be fantastic to watch Jay fight for and win, a World Title right here in Swansea.
What's the name of that song...
at 13:32 1 Nov 2019

Thanks's appreciated mate.
What's the name of that song...
at 14:18 30 Oct 2019

...that the crowd were singing on Sunday?

It's that 'lyricless,' salsa type song, that I've heard many times before, but don't know it's name.

Sorry if this has been asked before.
September 11th… 1989, (not 2001) 30 years ago this week!
at 13:56 10 Sep 2019

I’d be genuinely interested in knowing how many of us, that are still alive and still post on this forum, travelled over to Glyfada, in Greece, on September 11th 1989?

Monday, September 11th — Starting the tour off in the ‘Queens’ — Buses from the Library - Flight over.

Tuesday, September 12th — Spent most of it ‘lubricating our larynxes,’ ready to out sing 45,000 Greeks the next day.

Wednesday, September 13th — Cup Winners Cup match — Panathinaikos 3 v Swansea City 2 (Olympic Stadium, Athens).

Thursday, September 14th — The infamous incident in ‘The Ship Tavern.’ With about 35 of us, attacked by about 1,000 Greeks (not bearing gifts). (…unless you call hurling ‘chunks of concrete’ as gifts?).

Friday, September 15th — The arrested lads were paraded in front of the TV cameras, even in the court itself. Diplomatic attempts made, to get the remaining 10 out of prison. While the rest of us were then escorted back to the plane, by machine gun carrying police.

Saturday, September 16th — Received a ‘hero’s welcome’ back, from the Swans fans at Craven Cottage, Fulham (lost 2-0).

Has anyone got any stories/memories they’d like to relate about that notorious away trip?

Yep, 30 bloody years ago, this week!?
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