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Just back
at 20:02 11 Feb 2012

Mega peed off after today.

First things first...that first 45 minutes was nothing short of disgraceful and every single player should hold their heads down in shame for that. We made Blackburn look like Barcelona, every time one of their players got the ball we stood off them and stood off and let them have as much time and space to do whatever they wanted. Christ even I'd look good on a Sunday morning if you gave me time to do that. The only player who looked vaguely interested was Taarabt who was always calling for the ball and tried to do something, even though it never came off.

Second half, complete new dynamic, Blackburn did their 10 men behind the ball routine for the rest of the game, and them hitting the bar 5 mins into the second half aside offered nothing. We had enough chances to end up winning the game in the end which pees me off even more because this game was already lost after 45 minutes more or less, and if we'd played like it from the start we might have been able to get a decent result.

Really feeling down after that, sorry if it gets me labelled as a "negative w*nker" or whatever else you get labelled as if you're not being a happy clappy positive burying your heads in the sand. That first half was utterly pathetic and had relegation written all over it. Can't beat Blackburn, you're in trouble serious as.

The support again turned out in large numbers, were very volatile at half time unsurprisingly and got behind the lads a lot as we pressed in the second half. Well done us lot, shame the 11 didn't turn up.

The only player I'd give special praise to would be Taarabt and Mackie. All those who slag him off? Mental, he came on up front and was so sharp and energetic, he caused Blackburn no end of problems. Before that Paul Robinson might as well have had a deckchair to sit on for all the problems we posed him. And Taarabt was constantly asking for the ball and driving it forward. The rest can forget it, they don't deserve anything. Yes, we nearly fought it back, but we didn't and that doesn't excuse that disgraceful first half.

For me anyway...
A curious little fact - if anyone else has noticed...
at 18:20 20 Dec 2011

Was pointing this out today to wind a few Man Utd "supporting" mates up...but for 6 of the last 8 seasons (by my reckoning) we have finished the season, or played very close to the end of the season, against the eventual winners of our division. Or in the case of last year, as the winners.

It breaks down as follows :-

03/04 - Plymouth (match 44/46)
04/05 - N/A
05/06 - Reading
06/07 - N/A
07/08 - West Brom
08/09 - Wolves (match 45/46 if I remember correctly)
09/10 - Newcastle
10/11 - QPR

So get your money on now for Man City to win the league given our last game this season is of course....Man City away....

Just thought I'd point that out! We are Kingmakers!
Top clubs to breakaway on TV rights
at 12:48 12 Oct 2011

Surprised this hasn't been posted yet this morning...

Another way to increase the gap between the Top 4 and everyone else were this to happen...and I wouldn't be surprised if it did given it happens in Spain and Italy.

The levels of money sploshing about at the top of the game is just getting out of hand now...shouldn't happen for me the playing field's uneven enough in the Premiership as it is with the way Champions League money works!
The cost of football...
at 18:03 8 Jun 2011

...not from our perspective but that of club owners. Dont know if anyone will have seen this, but the chairman of Colchester has outlined their playing budget for next season, and the sources of finance for them, along with his own personal subsidy which will decrease over the next five years...,,10424~2366890,00.html

Fair play to him being transparent like that, how many clubs do you think would do that? Certainly not our lot....particularly when a certain someone cant even get a transfer fee right...

And finally...£3.5m just for a L1 club...mental.
For the CM/FM geeks out there....
at 21:25 30 May 2011

For the fellow geeks like me who are a little too obsessed by this classic series at time...whats your best achievement you've ever managed on the game?

I've just won a treble for QPR (Premiership, League Cup & FA Cup) on CM03/04 - the best one they ever made IMO.

Am feeling slightly prouder than I potentially should....
Brighton & Falmer
at 00:26 16 Mar 2011

Have read they've already sold 14,500 season tickets for next season...excess demand no doubt for having their own ground again at last.

You can see pictures of how it currently is here....

All looks very nice, but looks familiar? Ah thats right, its near enough a carbon copy of the KC Stadium.

Cant anyone come up with a shred of originality??

At least all the "older" grounds have some character about them! Or even Deepdale, now completely rebuilt, still looks a bit more interesting!
Milan v Bari
at 22:40 15 Mar 2011

Anyone seen this floating about on the internet?

Apparently it was a spoof organised by Gazzetto dello Sport who hired 22 look-a-like actors to act out this ridiculously bizarre "pre-match warm up".

Flipping hilarious though...if only footballers did have such a sense of humour!

All will be fine
at 23:36 10 Mar 2011

Our expensively assembled legal team are getting ready to do battle as we speak...

Shamelessly stolen off
Stay strong in the face of adversity
at 00:50 10 Mar 2011

After going into administration last September, and incurring a 25 point deduction for doing so and being forced to trim the squad to 16 players and losing the top scorer to Wolves, Dundee FC have gone a club record 19 games unbeaten and have pulled back the deficit and now sit comfortably in mid-table.

Whatever happens off the pitch this is the exact mental strength our players need to show for the next 10 games!!

As much as we all hate GP we cant let this rat-faced weasel kill OUR club.

You R's!
Potential case studies
at 00:05 10 Mar 2011

Use of unlicensed agent - no points only fine

Unlicensed agent and payments to 3rd party - no points only fine.

I cant believe its come to this!
"Loyalty Points"
at 19:33 6 Mar 2011

Does anyone think these are going to be brought into play before the end of the season for away games?

I'm specifically thinking the Cardiff and Watford away games here, as these are both likely to have high demand for obvious reasons.

I ask because the club have slightly peed me off here by putting Doncaster tickets straight on General Sale, which meant there was only 100 or so left when I got mine yesterday of the 1,500 we were given (I'm guessing 100 on the small pile that were left, and reading someone on LFW saying the ticket guy told him we only had 100 left when he got his).

This means those of us who have spent the season going to away games, specifically getting tickets beforehand for the points so we can bring them into play for the "biggies" at the end of the year (and Scunthorpe potentially which has a tiny away end) it might all be a complete waste with any old bozo being able to get a ticket despite not going anywhere.

I dont want to go into the "glory hunter" stuff again on here as thats already being done to death elsewhere, thats not my point, its more the fact that the club introduced the Loyalty Points gizmo under the provision that preference would be given to those with the higher balances (I have just under 150 so far - have been to 9 away games now, far less than the likes of Northern and SM on I'm sure but above average I'd guess) but not actually do it practically which makes the whole thing a waste of time.

Of course there is the daftness they dont carry over season on season either but thats an argument for another day!
St Mirren v Rangers
at 18:44 6 Mar 2011

I was stupid enough to watch the second half of this game today because I couldnt be bothered with the stupid overhyping of the Premiersh*ts game and the general w*nking over King Kenny and ManUre that Sky like to do.

Anyway, after watching 45 minutes of St Mirren's centre halves hoofing the ball 40 yards to the Rangers centre halves, who promptly hoofed it back to them every time, may I just say I now wholeheartedly agree with Northern in that Scottish "Premier" League football is just utter utter gash. Even Rangers were awful, though it was funny watching El Hadj Diouf be lumped up in the year every 5 mins and look absolute garbage against defenders who would struggle to get into Northampton's side.
But First an Apology - Best of AKUTR's
at 22:47 3 Mar 2011

Does anyone else own this?? Am reading it again at the moment, the sort of thing you could read over and over, an entire telephone directory sized book dedicated to QPR...wonderful!

Does anyone know if Dave ever actually managed to sell them all? Will be a sad day when he has to give up publishing AKUTR's...I always buy a copy even if, to be honest, its not quite as good at the moment as it has been in past years (only my opinion mind). But it is important for the fans to have a voice in media I feel.

I did contribute an article once, and would do more if I knew what to write about! Anyone else on here written for AKUTR's?
at 18:16 23 Feb 2011

I've just downloaded this onto my laptop to try it out, have some mates who have it and reckon its good.

Does anyone on here have it? Whats your opinion, any good or a bit useless compared to having iTunes, Windows Media, Youtube etc etc?
Just back
at 20:30 19 Feb 2011

Threw that away today. We were so comfortable in the first half it was unreal, Preston players were scared stiff of going near us we had so much time and space we could virtually pick them apart at will.

Second half we started ok and were unlucky with Heidar's header hitting the bar, but then we got far too careless and complacent, and they upped their tempo. By that I mean they ran a bit faster and closed us down a bit quicker, they were still rubbish but it was enough to unsettle Connolly and Gorkks who both had a mare of a second half and got a deserved equaliser in the end. We stepped it up a bit after they scored but the damage had been done, they had their tails up and we started to look a bit desperate going forward, Adel in particular who wasted numerous good chances, and was also very unlucky with a couple. Incredibly frustrated as that should have been a win today.

But as Warnock says, its done now so no point looking back.

On the positive side, I guess its fair to say the two points we lost today can be offset by the two points most definately gained against Reading.

Lets hope we win on Tuesday!!
Just back
at 21:29 29 Jan 2011

Feeling pretty peed off after today...on the one hand I'm happy with a point and happy we've not lost, but on the other that game was totally there for the taking against a poor Hull team and we should have won without even playing that well.

For me, we tried to bulldoze our way through the middle of the park far too often instead of getting the ball wide and trying to play our way round them, Miller played really well and for me, early days admittedly, is a much better focal point up top than Hulse and Helguson.

Having said that, we were hanging on last 10 minutes and when Fryatt went through at the end I thought we were toast, happily he skied it so we weren't.

I've seen Northern's thread of the Adel incident, all I can do is agree with it and say it was unbelievable, I thought he threw his tantrum because he was getting targeted by the Hull players so much, and although he came out in the second half much more like the normal Adel and wanted the ball a lot, he also got rid of it as soon as a Hull player came near him every time, he looked scared stiff of them in the second half. Not good nor acceptable. And the fact half the team appeared to be cuddling him as they came out for the second half...well...come on Adel grow up. He's 6 weeks older than me...yeah he may be temperamental, yeah they may have been targeting him a lot but blimey...he really shouldnt need to be pandered too that much.

I must also say, considered I've seen no mention of it yet, what on earth about the racist chanting by that group of 2,000 stood to our left? They were singing "There's only blacks in your sh**hole" and following it up with monkey noises and actions. Ignorant twunts.

And finally, I must reserve special mention for my moronic sat-nav today. My sat-nav was bought 6 months ago and is (supposedly) "up to date". Now, this morning, not having much knowledge of Hull being Northamptonshire based, I typed in "Hull City FC" for it to direct me to, so where does it take me? Boothferry Park. A ground they left 8 years ago. A ground which now is just a pile of rubble and 5 floodlight pylons still standing for some reason. Cheers. So I was forced to park at the park and ride, which was free, and get a £2 bus, which was easy to get away from at the end, so overall it worked out. But seriously! Note to self - use postcodes in future!
FC Start and the legend of the "Death Match"
at 19:32 28 Jan 2011

Have just finished reading "Dynamo" by Andy Dougan, which is based on a factory football team in Kiev in WW2 that was made up of former professionals before the war, mostly from Dynamo Kiev, but also from Lokomotiv.

I know the "myth" is known quite widely, that they embarassed the Germans in a football match and were subsequently arrested and murdered. Although that was the version peddled by the Soviets after the war, its not quite the actual story which is much more complex and longer, although 4 of the 11 were subsequently murdered by the Nazis.

Anyway, has anyone ever read the book? I would strongly recommend it to anyone if they haven't, a really good read and really shocking some of the brutality shown by the Nazis toward the Ukrainians in general, and the terrible atrocities committed at Babi Yar just outside of Kiev.

Incidentally, the 1981 film "Escape to Victory" which featured Pele, Bobby Moore and half of the Ipswich team was loosely based on the legend of the Death Match.
Just back...feeling positive!
at 21:17 15 Jan 2011

We absolutely controlled that today, no jokes, apart from a 15-20 minute spell of pressure in the first half where Paddy had to make one good save, it really was all us for the whole game. Orr and Gorkks should both have scored, Derry was unlucky to have his seemingly goal bound shot saved brilliantly, we had one bundled off the line (or so it looked to me...) in the first half and a Taarabt free kick flash wide...

In an essence am frustrated we didnt win, but I'd have been delighted with a point before the game, am only frustrated because we really did control it that much. They offered very little, we really were that comfortable.

Thought Moen did ok, needs a couple of more games to get up to speed with England, but I daresay Warnock didnt want to throw him into league action so quickly but has been forced to. Hopefully Faurlin is ok after limping off, also nice to hear a few renditions of "Walking in a Mackie Wonderland" today.

Am really feeling positive for the next few months after today, we need a couple of bodies to bolster numbers, but after losing Walker and Mackie we still looked really good today I thought.

Up the R's!
Mundane, barely mentionable teams...
at 19:27 13 Jan 2011

Have seen a thread similar to this on PASOTI recently (Plymouth - have family there so take an interest in them) and found it rather interesting so though id try the same on here.

So, which are the football clubs you always forget exist and generally seem very boring and unmentionable? And I'd suggest we stick to the football league otherwise we'll get all anorakky and start naming obscure non-league teams like Bristol Manor Farm, Wellingborough Town or Loughborough Dynamo

Anyway, the three most boring forgettable teams for me have to be -

1 - Macclesfield Town
2 - Walsall
3 - Cheltenham Town
Burnley Roll Call
at 20:49 11 Jan 2011

Early I know, but I've not done of these before...

Come on then, whose going?

Am anticipating a 360 mile, 7 hour-ish round trip for this from Northants, longer for London R's I know. Lets hope Rangers make it a worthwhile journey!
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